Hypnotherapy And NLP Frequently Asked Questions

What can you tell me about NLP?

NLP is the acronym for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It sounds complicated, but it is really very straight forward; NLP is the objective examination and study of subjective human experience. More and more people are turning to NLP to resolve a variety of issues because it often creates significant results in a very short amount of time. With NLP, you learn to influence your thoughts and feelings simply by learning how to be more in control of your mind and imagination. The training teaches you how to control how you talk to yourself, what you remember, what you imagine, and what you visualise. The result is you learn how to consciously direct your life rather than let your life direct you.

What can you tell me about Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a process by which you are guided by a practitioner to enter relaxed state. It can be either deep relaxation or light relaxation, depending on the practitioner’s treatment approach. Once you are in this relaxed state, he or she uses specific techniques of indirect or direct suggestion in an effort to guide you toward making changes in your thoughts and feelings, which in turn changes your behaviour. Our clients report that hypnotherapy is a very enjoyable and relaxing experience and always come out feeling fantastic.

How safe are NLP and Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy and NLP are extremely safe techniques, so safe in fact that indemnity insurance companies who cover professional NLP and Clinical Hypnotherapy consider them to be in the extreme ‘lowest’ band of risk.

Are you sure I can be hypnotised?

Yes, anybody can be hypnotised if they are willing. It is a simple guided relaxation process. You will find that 70% or more of your day is spent in a trance state and you didn’t even know it.

What is it like to be hypnotised?

Being hypnotised is nothing more than becoming very relaxed. Some people go into a deeply relaxed state, while others experience a lightly relaxed state. The entire hypnosis process is easy, comfortable, and safe. And NO, you will not turn into a Chicken!

What are the side effects?

There are no negative side effects to hypnosis. The only side effects you are likely to feel are greater relaxation and sense of ease and leave the session in a state of positive feelings.

What happens if I lose control?

You will not lose control in any way when hypnotised. Just the opposite, in fact, because hypnosis helps you take control over the issue or problem you wish to resolve.

How much will I remember after being hypnotised?

This varies from person to person. Most people remember a lot of what happens during hypnosis, but they generally don’t remember all of the very specific details. It is very much like settling in with a very good movie or book; you remember the general course of events but many of the details are fuzzier.

Is it true some people are too intelligent to be hypnotised?

No. Most very intelligent or strong-willed people actually adapt quite easily to hypnosis because the practitioner can engage their intelligence to enhance and improve the process.

What if I can’t be hypnotised?

Some people incorrectly think of being hypnotized as becoming unconscious; this is not the case. When you are hypnotised, your experience may range from deep relaxation to light relaxation to uncertainty about what you are feeling. All of those states are perfectly fine, because most Hypnotherapy and NLP techniques can be used regardless.

How many times will I need hypnosis?

The answer to this depends on a number of factors. Your practitioner will work closely with you to estimate the number of sessions you should expect. Depending on your progress, the actual number of sessions may be more or less than this initial estimate.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Our clinics are based throughout New South Wales and Victoria.

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