Use Clinical Hypnotherapy & NLP to Stop Panic Attacks

Use Clinical Hypnotherapy & NLP to Stop Panic Attacks  with Riverina Mind Design.

Use Clinical Hypnotherapy & NLP to Stop Panic Attacks with Riverina Mind Design.

Panic attacks (also called anxiety attacks) can be extremely frightening, even paralysing in some cases. The effects are very real, creating all kinds of unpleasant and even scary physical symptoms. They can quickly become a vicious circle of activity, however, as your mind and your body “feed” off of each other and make the panic attacks worse. Your mind feels anxious so your body reacts, when your body reacts your mind interprets it as panic, and so your mind becomes more anxious and your body reacts even more.

The key to overcoming panic attacks is to recognise the pattern and learn how to change it.  Hypnotherapy and NLP are excellent tools for doing just that.

Why Do Panic Attacks Occur?

Most panic attacks occur with a very defined structure or pattern, and they are usually related to the context of where you are or what you are doing. For instance, you might panic when in a crowded room, when meeting strangers, when making a presentation, when driving your car, when alone, and the like. It’s different for each person, but the common thread is how the panic attack begins and feeds upon itself over and over again.

A typical panic attack begins with a thought or a memory, either of a previous attack or simply imagining one that hasn’t occurred yet. Your inner voice starts talking in a negative and fearful way so your body starts having some of the typical physical symptoms. The process repeats itself several times, getting worse and worse each time until a full blown panic attack occurs. It feels very real and can be very scary.

Many people only experience a single panic attack, or only have panic attacks every once in a while, while others have them frequently. Regardless of how often they occur, the memory of panic attacks can linger and live on quite vividly, creating an even greater sense of dread and anxiety. In other words, you start to worry and feel afraid about having another panic attack, which in turn triggers another attack. In many cases you might not even remember the original source of anxiety or panic; the most common causes, however, are emotional distress, exposure to a dangerous situation, poor nutrition, and either physical or emotional stress.

What Is Panic Disorder And What Are The Symptoms?

Panic disorder is diagnosed when a person has frequent or severe panic attacks that create extreme physical reactions and may put the person in physical danger. Typical symptoms of panic disorder include:

  • Hyperventilation
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Heart palpitations
  • Hot flashes
  • Disorientation
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Vivid, frightening thoughts
  • Fainting or blackout

It is not unusual for someone to think they are having a heart attack when first experiencing a typical panic disorder attack. Because of this, it is extremely important to see your doctor right away to check for actual heart problems or an underlying medical cause. If no medical problems are found then panic disorder is usually diagnosed, making NLP and Hypnotherapy excellent options to consider.

How Can Clinical Hypnotherapy & NLP Help?

The combination of NLP and Hypnotherapy work together to help with panic attacks and panic disorder because they engage your conscious and unconscious mind at the same time. NLP can help identify and change fearful behaviour patterns, teaching you to change and control the thoughts that trigger those destructive patterns. Your practitioner will focus on the reality of your current experience, discovering how your mind structures its habits of thought and identifying ways to change those habits into something more positive. Hypnosis focuses on the unconscious part of your mind, using suggestion, metaphor and/or stories to help reinforce what NLP teaches you and ensure your new habits become fully ingrained in your unconscious mind.

How Long Will Treatment Take?

Our direct approach to working with both the unconscious and conscious mind means treatment is generally short in duration.  On average, clients with panic attacks or panic disorder spend two to three one-hour sessions with Riverina Mind Designs combination of powerful NLP and Advanced Hypnotherapy.

Whether you have just had your first panic attack or you have been living with panic disorder for many years, we can help you overcome this often debilitating problem. Let our experience in NLP and Clinical Hypnotherapy help you need to say goodbye to panic attacks forever!

Contact Us today for more information about the clinic closest to you in Albury, Wodonga, Shepparton and Wagga Wagga.
