End Your Addiction To Cigarettes And Stop Smoking With NLP and Hypnotherapy

End Your Addiction To Cigarettes And Stop Smoking With Riverina Mind Design.

End Your Addiction To Cigarettes And Stop Smoking With Riverina Mind Design.

Most smokers are experts at how to stop smoking because they have done it so many times.  Despite their best intentions and sincere efforts, the pull of cigarettes and nicotine is just too strong.  Eventually, they go back to smoking cigarettes and the cycle of addiction begins all over again.

Cigarette Addiction And How It Works

Cigarettes contain nicotine, which is proven to be an addictive drug.  Your body becomes dependent on nicotine, and when it doesn’t get enough of it you experience unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal.  In addition to the physical addiction, there is also a powerful mental component to cigarette addiction as well.  Your mind associates smoking cigarettes with pleasant feelings, such as relaxation, reward, or stress relief.  There is also a strong social pull with cigarette addiction because many people associate smoking with the social situations in which they typically like to smoke.

This addiction is incredibly powerful, as you probably already know because you’ve probably already tried to quit several different times.  You’re not alone in this, however; take a look at these facts about cigarette smoking:

  • Most smokers who quit have to try at least two or three times before being successful
  • Only 6% of people who try to quit using willpower alone will succeed
  • Using a nicotine patch or gum increases the success rate to 12%
  • Overall, only 2.5% of all smokers are successful at quitting each year
  • Studies show that Hypnotherapy is one of the most successful tools for quitting smoking

That last fact is important, because there are some very good reasons why Advanced Hypnotherapy, especially when used in combination with NLP, has an excellent success rate at helping you to quit smoking, high as 95%.

Using Clinical Hypnotherapy To Overcome Cigarette Addiction

NLP and Hypnotherapy work with your mind to help you overcome both the physical and mental aspects of cigarette addiction.  NLP works with your conscious mind to teach patterns of thought that lead to new patterns of more desirable behaviour.  Hypnotherapy, on the other hand, works with your unconscious mind to resolve deeper issues in your mind, such as stress and the desire for reward.

Another interesting thing to consider is that people who use NLP and Hypnotherapy tend to experience fewer (and sometimes even none) of the typical nicotine withdrawal symptoms.  While nobody can say for sure why this is the case, we have seen it in our clients many, many times.  There is not doubt that when used together, these techniques are the most powerful way to attack cigarette addiction and get rid of it for good.

How Long Will Treatment Take?

Our specialised ‘Quit Cigarettes In 60 Minutes’ program has a success rate of approx 95% with clients on the first visit. Imagine Never Craving a Cigarette Again – 
Your Whole Lifetime! The new fresh-smelling you, with more energy as well as more calmness, will delight you – and will amaze your relatives, friends, and colleagues. 
Everyone else who cares about you is about to 
congratulate you that you really quit smoking.


Contact Us today for more information about the clinic closest to you in Albury, Wodonga, Shepparton and Wagga Wagga.
