You Can Get Help For Binge Eating With Hypnotherapy & NLP

You Can Get Help For Binge Eating With Hypnotherapy & NLP at Riverina Mind Design.

You Can Get Help For Binge Eating With Hypnotherapy & NLP at Riverina Mind Design.

Most people overeat from time to time, stuffing themselves until they become bloated and feel uncomfortable.  This is typically an occasional thing, though, so no long term harm is done.  Binge eating disorder is different because the suffer feels compelled to eat to excess in a way that feels out of control.  Once the huge amount of food is ingested, guilt and disgust come flooding in.  Despite these unpleasant feelings, though, the person goes on to binge eat once again.

The Cycle Of Out Of Control Eating

Nobody knows for sure what causes the cycle of binge eating, but there is definitely a strong mental component to this disorder.  Eating becomes a compulsion caused by thought processes that drive you to eat, eat, and then eat some more.  And once you begin binge eating, your body’s responses help to make the cycle occur again.  When you eat large quantities of food your blood sugar soars, only to crash once your body releases insulin.  This crash causes a false sense of hunger, leading you to eat large amounts of food again even if you are not truly hungry.

Some of the symptoms of binge eating disorder include the following:

  • Automatic thought patterns prompt you to binge
  • Changing blood sugar levels cause you to enter a cycle of binge eating
  • You feel out of control, guilty, and a strong sense of despair
  • You gain weight
  • Erratic blood sugar changes cause headaches, cravings, and stomach pain
  • You may experience panic attacks, depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and poor concentration

Although some of these are physical symptoms, what they have in common is that their underlying cause is firmly planted in your mind.  They occur as the result of your mind following an unconscious, learned thought pattern that automatically triggers the binge eating behaviour.

Beside the obvious issues of weight gain, there are other dangers associated with binge eating; the biggest concern is nutrition.  Binge eating very seldom provides your body with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy, so you can easily end up with nutrition deficiencies.  And when you lack proper nutrition it invites other health issues to pop up.  That’s why we strongly recommend working with a certified nutritionist or your doctor to help address this issue.

The Power Of Clinical Hypnotherapy & NLP

NLP and Hypnotherapy techniques offer combined therapy to break the destructive cycle of binge eating.  The focus on both your conscious and unconscious mind allow you to learn new conscious thought patterns while tapping into deep, inner resources that have been hidden for a long time.

How Long Will Treatment Take?

For most people, Riverina Mind Designs combination of powerful NLP and Advanced Hypnotherapy is successful with as few as two or three one-hour sessions to be FREE of binge eating for good. Say goodbye to binge eating and claim back your life. If binge eating is affecting your life, you can stop the cycle and start healing your mind and body. Let our experience in NLP and Clinical Hypnotherapy help you do it Today!

Contact Us today for more information about the clinic closest to you in Albury, Wodonga, Shepparton and Wagga Wagga.
